Torah Tidbit
Parshahs Behar (on mountain) & Bechoukosai (on my decrees/personal behavior commandments) Leviticus 25:1-27:34
Behar contains the commandments for the sabbath year (no normal use of agricultural lands every seventh year) and jubilee year (return of property to original owners and release of all jewish slaves every 50th year). These commandments apply to: 1)only for the Jews; 2)only on the land of Israel; 3)only when Israel is governing itself by the Torah. Thus the enacting of these laws must wait for the Messianic age. Additional commandments are given on the humane treatment of slaves.
It was very difficult for Israel to perform the sabbath and jubilee years as prescribed. For many individuals it meant a sudden and substantial loss of income – an extreme challenge for one to voluntarily choose when looking at many mouths to keep fed. God knew full well it would be a challenge and so promised:
If you will say: What will we eat in the seventh year – behold, we will not sow and not gather in our crops! I will ordain My blessing for you in the sixth year and it will yield a crop sufficient for the three-year period. You will sow in the eighth year, but you will eat from the old crop; until the ninth year, until the arrival of its crop, you will eat the old. – Lev 25:20-22.
Walking the Walk
At last week’s meeting we broached the subject of prayer and meditation. The two activities overlap each other and they work, often wonders. It’s one of the best ways to align ourselves with His ways and see Him in action throughout our day. But the challenge is taking the time out of our hectic days for it. There’s all kinds of work, chores, people, etc. that fill our days. We naturally think, “How can I afford to take the time (half to full hour) out of my day to focus solely on Him? How will I keep up with all my other demands?” But just as God promises to care for the Israelites if they follow through with the sabbatical year, so does promise to do so for anyone – gentile or Jew – who takes the time to connect with Him:
“The Lord is close to all who call upon Him, who call upon Him sincerely. The will of those who fear Him He will do, and their cry He will hear and save them.” -Ps 145
Let’s all rise up this week and take the time out of our schedules for HIM. Make our faith become active!