Torah TidbitParashah Bamidbar (in the wilderness/desert) – Numbers 1:1-4:20
The Israelites have received the Torah. They’ve built and are performing service in the tabernacle. Now they prepare for the trip to the land of Canaan. First task? Get everyone organized by tribes and arranged by camps around the tabernacle. Thus the census of this parashah. Along with the tally of levites and priests, the duties of packing up and carrying the tabernacle are described. The ark is the first item described for packing:
When the camp is to journey, Aaron and his sons shall come and take down the partition-curtain and cover the Ark of the Testimony with it. They shall place upon it a tachash-hide overing, and spread a cloth entirely of turquoise wool over it, and adjust it staves. – Num 4:5-6
The ark, and the tablets of the 10 commandments within, are often called described in Tanach as ark or tablets of testimony. In other words they bear witness, they remind, they declare of God and His truth.
Walking the Walk
And while writing I keep thinking of the classic adventure movie…you know…Raiders. So here’s some quotes from the movie that remind me of the truths the ark “testifies” about…
Snakes. Why’d it have to be snakes? In the Garden the snake represented the animal soul and animal inclination. Daily we must wrestle with and train our own animal souls (evil inclination is the same thing). Ever do something stupid you have no idea why? That’s most likely the animal soul allowed to run amok.
Your persistence surprises even me. Yes! We must be doggedly persistent in our living out of His truths – praying (pestering even) Him for our needs, regularly reminding ourselves of true reality through studying His truth, getting back up and walking again in His ways after falling down for the umpteenth time, working to see the good qualities in others especially those close to us. Get it? Do I need to be more persistent with you?
I don’t know, I’m making this up as I go. God continually places before us circumstances, uniquely suited to each one of us, as opportunities to learn and grow. Although often they feel like he’s throwing them at us like a high inside fast ball. But regardless, we should prepare ourselves to be flexible and receive the circumstances with an open mind, creatively finding good responses that resonate with His truth.
Shut your eyes, Marion. Don’t look at it, no matter what happens! We ultimately learn and apply His truths through hearing, not by sight. Our eyes can deceive and mislead us in ways that can ultimately destroy us. Instead true wisdom is absorbed through hearing. What about gaining wisdom from reading? I’ll let you work out how that becomes hearing before the wisdom is absorbed.
You can’t do this to me, I’m an AMERICAN. Every one of us is special and unique in His eyes. Truly we can say the world was created just for each one of us. But…
Indiana, we are simply passing through history. This, this *is* history. He and His ways are eternal and unchanging. The more we meditate on how God works and walk in His ways, the more we become aware of our own insignificance.
Bad Dates. His ways and truths teach us what does and doesn’t make a good friendship – what keeps people together for years to come. Instead of focusing on the fleeting alluring sensual pleasures, we look for common values and outlooks on life in a potential mate. And we don’t even bother with wasting time on a bad date.
Oh, yes. The Bible speaks of the Ark leveling mountains and laying waste to entire regions. An army which carries the Ark before it… is invincible. Well, not really. The closest we get is with the Philistines, who had it for just a few days and then sent it back. Funny how those nasty hemorrhoids changed their mind. However, one who carries before himself what the Ark represents – God and His truth – is invincible. There is nothing that person can’t overcome. It sounds trite, but it is true. The more we do all of the above things, the more we become a “seer” of God in everything, unintimidated by what comes our way – including our own fears.