Life: Good or bad

Torah Tidbit

Mikietz (at the end), Genesis 41:1 – 44:17

Joseph is hurriedly rushed out of prison and after interpreting Pharoh’s dream becomes viceroy of Egypt.. Egypt preps for famine, famine arrives and Joseph’s brothers visit Egypt to buy food.  Joseph toys with the bros to see where their hearts lie – have they regretted their selling of Joseph and lying to papa Jacob?

Walking the Walk

We’ve all heard about someone who had been falsely convicted of a crime they didn’t commit.  How would we work through such difficult times, constrained in a sterile and cold facility, isolated from the world with no end in sight?  What would we do?  How would we not lose hope?  Read books?  Take up painting?  Curse the justice system?  Work on a tattoo collection?

Or would we dance and sing?  That’s what Joseph did.

Joseph fully embraced the mindset of Emuna, where everything God brings our way is for our ultimate good.  By accepting prison as a unique opportunity given from God, Joseph was then free to enjoy each day as it came. This concept isn’t limited to bible characters – Martiin Luther King and Mahatma Ghandi are two more contemporary examples of people who were thrown in prison unjustly and then took advantage of the prison time for moral and spiritual growth.

Are we dancing and singing much?  If not, why?  What’s our excuse?  We have it much better than Joseph had it in prison, how much more should we be dancing and singing to the Creator for the multitude of gifts He daily showers upon us.

Have a great week!

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